Do you think all the job vacancies on websites are live?

I am currently looking for job and I go on most popular job site and there are so much vacancies and I apply to about 100 vacancies a day and I never get a call back or interview. I have no working experience but I know that I can do most of these jobs because I am qualified. another question, is work experience better to have than formal qualification?

Answer #1

Most of the sites put job vacancies only for advertizing purpose.

Answer #2

Most of the sites put job vacancies only for advertizing purpose.

Answer #3

Experience is almost critical in some fields, but you will find entry-level positions and this is what to look for, some place where you can start at the bottom and train as you go. Restaurants and offices are good for this. As well there are many trades that you can get into (carpentry, metal work, forestry, etc) have you considered Job Corps? I went and had the time of my life, all while learning a trade and finishing my basic education.

The best way to get a job is to imagine what you want to do; consider distance from your house, the hours you are willing to work, and the expenses you have (in regards to pay). Then go to that place and ask if they need someone. If not, return and ask again 3 or 4 days later. Eventually they will have an opening and will talk to you about hiring. Do this with 2 or 3 places at the same time and your’e set.

Answer #4

Formal qualification will get you hired right away. It carries the implication of experience, that’s why I recommended Job Corps, they give you the formal education.

Answer #5

There are several issues with vacancies.

Some companies really do look for people.

Some job vacancies are still online even though they already hired someone. Some are online, because they had to put it online for company policy reasons, even though hiring the boss’ sisters sons best friend is already planned. Some are online, but they will prefer an employee of lower rank to advance in ranks before hiring an outsider. Some are online because they look for someone who will do their work of a well educated specialist at the prize of an unlearned construction line worker.

Answer #6

thank you much appreciated

Answer #7

thank you much appreciated

Answer #8

thats true ,anyway thanks for answering much appreciated

Answer #9

formal qualification is important as it shows to employer that you already have working experience in the particular field and they don’t have to explain much to you regarding work. Employers do have this mentality because they don’t want to put so much efforts and time on an un experienced person, thats why they prefer experienced people.

And as you said that you have applied 100s of jobs in a day and didn’t get any interview call. So i m sure that there must me something with your resume. Try to figure out the and try to create your resume in different templates. Because your resume is the first thing that could attract your employer.

Just try different templates and different patterns for your resume and i m sure you’ll definitely get the job.

Answer #10

IDK exactly what field you are applying in, but right now the job market is insanely flooded with people. Just throwing applications out there and hoping for a call back doesn’t seem to work any more. You have to almost harass the company to get a job.
Also, your online app gets mixed it with lots of others, and nothing really sets you apart. Calling or going in in person, making sure to give them your name to go with your face/voice - gives them some real to anchor the application to. More than ever you have to sell yourself to the company you are trying to get heired onto.

I have many friends trying to find jobs the way you are, with little to no luck. The ones that have found jobs are the ones that call every other day for 3 weeks straight. The ones that go in person, ask to give the application/resume to a manager and introduce themselves.

Some of the traditional rules about waiting 5 days or so to call after and interview or after an application is submitted have to be bent or broke right now.

Answer #11

thank you i will try that…..

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