Job at 13?

I really would like to get a job but I am 13.

Please give me websites that I could like click my town and it would give me job opportunities. Please do not say “babysitting” because I do not know any parents who have kids I could babysit.

Answer #1

If you have a local fish and chip shop you could try that or even any food outlet. you could try cafe’s if you have any near you.

Answer #2

Unfortunately for me and you both, there are only a handful of jobs that we can do that have a regular income. And they are pretty much paper rounds.

But if you know someone who owns their own shop or business they might give you a few hours on a saturday.

Other then that, you could just do jobs for neighbours and friends such as: baby sit cut grass and so on…

Answer #3

Don’t be discouraged! Keep looking and it will come to you. You are to be admired for wanting a job. We need more young people like you in this country. I expect you have a very bright future ahead of you.

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