Am I cursed with guys?

I have been having like the worst week you could ever imagine. Last week I finally reunited with my guy best friend that I ihadn’t talked in over 6 months and I finally thought my life would be back on order but it turned out to be the worst ever.

My Lizzie Macguire week started with me on Tuesday where I accidentally yelled something out loud in front of my crush cause I had an ipod on…then the next day I was walking with my reunited guy BFF not 20 seconds into the conversation walking with him in the crowded hallway of my high school I crash right into the middle of a wall. I’m not talking about my shoulder brushing the wall. I’m talking about me running INTO the MIDDLE of it!! So yeah I totally wanted to disappear cause i still kinda had a crush on him …so yeah everyone behind me saw! then I dont know it was just crazy. Then like on Sunday we got in an argument so we stopped talking AGAIN and now I’m like totally jealous of my best friend ever cause lately she has been getting some fine guys and the hottest guy in school that I had a crush on is TOTALLY on her jock and I don’t know I’m just feeling so down about that cause me and her have never really been jealous of each other till now cause I can’t seem to control my jealousy! I’m like so stressed right now I feel like I’m cursed or something!!!!!

Answer #1

Ok relax……..take a deep breath………who cares about the yelling and running into a wall. big deal who cares! but your jealousy could destroy your relationship if you arnt careful……you should be happy for your best friend, the only reason you are jealous is becos you had a fight with your guy friend and your feeling down and envy anyone who is happy and doing well with guys thats all. Sooner or later you’ll get over your stupid fight and start talking again dont worry so much.

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