Jealous boyfriend!

Ok so I have been with my boyfriend for about 2 months now. He told me in the beginning that he get jealous sometimes, and I told him that he had nothing to worry about. Well today he texted me and he asked me if I could talk and I thought he ment texting, so I said yeah.then my mom asks me to come down because she needed help with something so I go down but I leave my phone in my room, when I am done I see that he had called me, so I txt him and I notice that he is being very short with me. Well I try to ask him whats wrong, is there something wrong and stuff like that and he says he is fine. Later he asked me what I was doing and I told him that I was on the phone with a friend and he got pissed, he was like:oh so you talk to other people on the phone but you never pick up when I call?!?!” It really made me mad because I had told him that I had missed his call because I was helping my mom and he says”well you said you could talk, but I guess you didnt want to”

I dont think I did anything wrong, I dont see why he gets so jealous all the time, I said I was sorry! What should I do??!? Help needed

Answer #1

get out while you can..that just sounds crazy and you have only been dating for 2month!!

Answer #2

Yikes! RED FLAGS are waving everywhere!! Oh my goodness, you are headed down a dark dirty path with this one! He has got some MAJOR issues with insecurity and he is asking you pay for them. I hope you are not too attached to this one because you really really need to end it before it gets worse and trust me sweetie it WILL get worse. What should you do? Stop saying ‘sorry’ for stuff you shouldnt be sorry for, and RUN like the wind! Unless of course you want to constantly feel like you are doing something wrong, be afraid to do stuff without getting yelled at, or ‘in trouble’ with him - come on girl, this is not what you want and his insecurities are HIS that he needs to work on. It is not your job to constantly reassure him and avoid contact with everyone else so he is not jealous! Please RUN before it gets worse

Answer #3

eh yeah I agree with the others you should prbly think about leaving him. but maybe talk to him first I mean does he always act like this or is this only because he needed to talk to you and you werent there when he needed you. either or you shouild prbly be thinking about leaving him… good luck

Answer #4

yeah right..RUN before it get’s only 2 months so it’s not that hard..if you’ll be with him like forever you’ll get used to it but you’ll gt tired better earlier because the feelings or love is not that strong yet..unlike me it already 7 years..

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