
Kai here it goes I love this boy and I mean love him!! I’ve liked him since the beginning of y7 and its nearly the end of y8!! I really want to tell him but I dont know how. People are saying that he fancies me and every time I look at him he goes red and smiles at me! I really need someone to help me because I need to tell hi so can people help me please??!! Xxx

Answer #1

Awww well let me tell you a story witch might help you make up your mind.

I loved this guy for like to years. And he told all his friends he liked me,, but I didnt know. So whenever I walked past all his friends would laugh and be silly about it. Then one day I got pissed off with it,, So on MSN that night I asked matt if he liked me, He said very shy yes, And ever since then it was a big flirt. Its just amazing to have someone thats in love with you,, Its a great feeling.

If you guys are friends then maybe ask him,, playfully. Do you love me?? And if he says yes go awww, give him a hug and just say me 2. if not just so finee, and walk off, but in a playful way dont look serious.

I no im rammbling on but I want to help because I no how it feels to be in love with a guy and have them not feel the same way.

You gotta be careful, why not drop some hints. some tips.

Dont change who you are Dont put on More makeup or whatever just do what you think is right.

In my opionion I would tell him face to face because if its over IM it can seem childish. You gotta act like adults.

You can normally tell if they like you back.. why not look for body language?

  1. if his feet face you during a flirt
  2. if he looks into your eyes
  3. if he seems intrested
  4. if he touhes you arm or whatever
  5. if he smiles sweetly

tell him girl!

guys like that only come around once in a lifetime and you dont wanna loose someone, who you love because it kills to get over them

Go for it,, funmail me if you wanna ask me ote xx

Answer #2

aww thats the same with mee, except youuve liked him longerr. do youu have his msn? if youu do you could juust say ‘hey [whatever his name is] I kinda like youu’ :] if not youu could just sayy ‘hii I really like youu’ or something, I think msn is better, its less embarresing. but please dont change who youu are for him coss youu never know he might prefer youu how youu are now. good luck x

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