Its a tuffy?!

Theres a girl in my area and she goes to my school as well, I’m really freindly with her. The ting is I really don’t want to ask her out because I’ve never asked any girl out, ever, I don’t want to because’ she means a lot to me and I don’t want to spoil that by doing this, should I tell I think shes special and great, continue to live in self denile or go about like nothings wrong, any advice from some girls that have been asked out before, and know what it feels like to be asked out. Please help!!

Answer #1

I been through what you are in now and it sucks well you should ask and c what happens you dont want to regret that you never tried gl

Answer #2

do you know how she feels about you?… because if a guy that I don’t like asks me out then I feel really weird because I don’t want to hurt his feelings but I have to say no… but when my boyfriend asked me out I was so excited to say yes… because I’ve liked him for so long… so if she has feelings for you, then you could try spending more time with her, getting to know her better… and if you still like her, then you should ask her out… good luck…

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