its a mess what should I do

I have been with my boyfriend about 2 and a half to three years recently we have had some problems .. the main one is probably his family hates me and judges and bad mouths me because we are from different backgrounds and another is he has been confiding in someone on the internet that obviously has feelings for him because she asked him to meet her and he could choose who he wanted …she also said a lot of other things that are in my book out of order he told me these things maybe a day later then left me …the next day he was back at my door crying I let him back. I found out he still speaks to her when I asked him not to he says because its someone to talk to and it makes me more angry. I am really unhappy and I tell him that and all he can do is say sorry, I ask him to leave and he wont, what can I do ? I feel so confused and stuck in a rut (sorry about the length and punctuation :S XD)

Answer #1

if I was you I would make him choose if its me or her.its either one but not both even if she is his friend only.

Answer #2

thank youu this proves im not just being a cow I don’t know I sort of felt I was because he just seems to think im being over reactive or whatever

Answer #3

tell him to choose if its going to be the other one or you.that you cant stand this no more he need to choose if he is wheeling to let a relationship of almost 3 years for that girl.if you want to break up with him just do it and don’t answer his call and if he comes and look for you ignore him so he can than later think he lost a nice girl because he was being stupid.

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