Is there a legal way to get high?

is there a legal way to get high not not go to jail

Answer #1

I purchased from ““ and reviews there are genuine. If you want to smoke legal herbs, stick too:

Salvia X10-X20 Skunk (As sold on ““) Spice Diamond.

These are the only 3 smoking products, I know work.

Hawaiian Gold Dutch Green And many many more are just hoaxes that have no effect unless you kill yourself smoking that junk even then head rush from a cigarette is more exciting.

Answer #2

I had a friend that ordered prescription pills from Mexico and Canada on a regular basis. The DEA is after her now.

Answer #3

my friend was askingmy about the he told me there was a web site he got something and I wanted to know if he could go to jail or not

Answer #4

Sometimes there is a short period of time when a new designer drug comes on the scene until the DEA makes it illegal. Because of the problems with Esctasy and designer drugs the DEA has the power to schedule new drugs quickly (the drug later knows as Esctasy was legal for over 50 years before it was made illegal in 1985).

If you want to get high you should learn meditation. It can produce very interesting and enjoyable changes in consciousness and instead of being bad for you is probably good.

Answer #5

Unless you have a script for pain pills, then there is no LEGAL way to get high.

Answer #6

I don’t think he can go to jail..but I guess it depends on what he got.

Answer #7

Instead of getting high, why not go hiking? Go to a touch aquarium and learn about sea creatures.

Kiss someone you’re too afraid to kiss.

Answer #8

there is something called salvia - it gets you high for like 5 min (or if you continue to hit it then for longer), and it gives you a light trip

Answer #9

There are many legal highs google your nearest headshop for more information. Proper salvia can be quite strong indeed so be careful with that. Especially if you never tripped before

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