It's not Rap anymore

I have noticed over the pas few days listening to random Rap or R&B songs at school and online that Rap & R&B have changed,it use to be about everything in the world,not just love. Not to hate on it,but every song that is related to love sounds the same just different singer and beat and somewhat different lyrics. What’s your opinion on it?

Don’t bicker,argue,or start complaining please.

Answer #1

yea I agree, itz always about love/making love etc. itz kind of annoying in some way but then again I have nothing better 2 do than 2 listen 2 it.

Answer #2

back then, I got fed up with all the nonscence they spoke.

baack then there was a point where all there was were songs about “drugs, killing, love making, and parties”

I’m sorry, but what happened to the music that talked about pride, meaning, and having fun?

I moved away from this genre and moved to Christian metal (yes, I know full change)

but I love the choice I made. I’m now producing music and managing 2 bands because I got my insperation from other radio stations.

but yeah. go underground. or look up the groups who you like and find who they tour with, usually, they have the same kind of topics they want to sing about.

Answer #3

Stick to underground rap, its the realest..

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Music production, Music theory, Music education