Why does the issue of same sex couples get so much media coverage and concern (details)?

It seems to be the only worldly issue that people seem concerned about recently. I agree that it IS an issue. I agree that it IS wrong. However, I find that there are much more pressing concerns within the world, ones of which children are dying, families suffer from poverty, etc. So my question is why does this issue get much more attention over other issues?

Answer #1

well i think its because most of the population is more worried about same sex couples and afraid of their children being homosexual that they put it before more important matters…. i for one am pansexual and proud.

Answer #2

Ignorance. It’s not an “issue”, it’s a topic. If people don’t like homosexual relationships, they shoudn’t get into one.

The reason there is so much coverage is because homophobes are loosing. Same-sex relationships are getting more and more support from law and groups ect. The NY legalization of same-sex marriage for example. More of that will happen until full equality is achieved, at least in the Free World.

Answer #3

Blame the hetrosexuals, they keep having the gay babies.

Answer #4

I absolutely can’t understand that. And I do not think that there is anything wrong with same gender couples. Some people are different from the majority. And that’s entirely THEIR business. They don’t do any damage to anyone. In my humble opinion, they can do whatever they want to do and be whatever they want to be. We need to live with that. We need to accept that some people live their lives differently. If anyone doesn’t like to look at two men kissing, they can turn around and look the other way. Duh. Problem solved.

Answer #5

I meant that this topic seems to get much more attentionthan other issues within the world.

Answer #6

Ack! claficfiatin! I agree ghat it isn’t an issueand that it isn’t wrong for same sex couples to getmarried. I have no idea how I ENDEd up typing that.

Answer #7

I worded that badly. I agree that it is an issue that people are against that, and I in no way have a problem with homosexual couples.

Answer #8

And I am not against hoosexuals at all. :/

Answer #9

Short version: Its all about money. News is a profitable business. Homosexuality is a popular topic today. They get more money.

Long Version: Society for some reason really love to be in everybody else’s business. The conservatives are all against the same sex marriage stuff, the liberals are all for it, and the homosexuals get lots of attention everywhere. Stereotypes are pushed on every type of show on TV because society gets emotionally charged, one way or another, over homosexuals. And you know what? Both sides like there respective emotional charge. The gaybashers love the feeling of “homosexuality should be publicly condemed” and the queers love the feeling of “homosexuality should be publicly praised”. Both are idiots. Homosexuality is a private decision that does not need to be broadcasted though the air and put on display for profit. The only discussion that should ever go on is if it is ethical, which is basically talking religion, and the government shouldn’t be in that business anyway.

Answer #10

Thank you answered my question peffectly.

Answer #11

I would say religious reasons.

Answer #12

Ok, now to test if I get anymore likes:

I’m a conservative Christian who does not believe homosexuality is ethical. I still completely agree with what I wrote above, but there’s my unnecessary 2 cents.

Answer #13

Your answer above was perfect. Don’t forget about polititions who vote certain ways regardless of what they believe so they can “target” a certain voter base and keep their jobs

Answer #14

I work with a few gay people and like them because they are all sincere, hard working, nice folks, I have my own beliefs that may not aggree but I am not the judge. I think the whole gay marriage thing is mostly politically driven with the help of the media. Career minded polititions are always looking for new groups to appeal to in order to create more voters and in turn help them keep their plush jobs and spend all our tax dollars and social security money that “we” paid into, then tax us some more. I have never known a gay couple that wanted to get married, rather they were ok the way things are til all this erupted. Personally, marriage should be between a man and a woman BECAUSE of the inherent and obvious differences between the two in so many ways. If you have a successful marriage, two people have the character to make something work with a person who is totally opposite to them in many, many ways. It should be a badge of honor for both man and woman to achieve this without failure. Two dudes are still two dudes and two chicks are still two chicks (I know everyone is unique) (I know) But man and woman are way different and a good marriage we worked for. Don’t slap us in the face with this political nonsense and smokescreen claiming equality because there is no comparison. If you read all of this, THANK YOU !!

Answer #15

It’s ok.

Answer #16

they r the highlights for the world……..

Answer #17

Because a LOT of people are really obsessed about the subject. I can see why gay people are interested in it, but if political signs on the lawn are any indication, my neighbors are reeeeally interested as in “We’ve got to stop this!!!”. I just feel like yelling at them: “Let it go!!! What do you care???”

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