Is this wrong?

I know this may sound bad but me and this lad called james are not that close and we have dated before and I told him the other day that I still really like him and that I want to have sex with him I am 16 and everything but we both said we didnt want to go back out but we decided that we could have sex and stuff but he said with no strings attached is that bad and am I letting him take advantage ??

Answer #1

thanks I now feel a little silly for even thinking that was ok im not going to do it now I have seen whats right thanks a lot you have all been great help xxx

Answer #2

yes, it is bad.

-you dont date, there’s no relationship there, just having sex? -what about STD’s, are you positive he doesnt have any? -how would you tell your parent’s your pregnant by someone you dont even date?

                                        it could happen.

-sex, connects you emotionally- whether you think so now, or not.

dont do it, wait until your in a comitted relationship- with someone your in love with, and when you and your partner can be responsible for the consequences.

sex is NOT just something you do for fun.

Answer #3

there is nosuch thing as no strings attatched… your going to end up hurt… someone always does. good luck :)

Answer #4

if you want to go ahead but be careful if your not sure then dont dont rush anything

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