Is this okay?

Is it okay to reuse hair dye the next day? Say if I dyed my hair last night, and my sister wants to dye her hair tonight and I still have most of the bottle left over from the night before, would it be safe to use it considering it was sitting out all night and day?

Answer #1

Some products allow you to reuse color, some don’t. If it says “Do not reuse” anywhere in the instructions, it’s using a color mixture that starts to break down as soon as air hits it. Once the color starts oxidizing, soon it won’t be able to hold together, and if you do reuse it, you’ll only be dumping the chemical fixative on your hair, further damaging it, and not getting any benefit from the color. Look in the couch for another $3 if you want to re-color.

Answer #2

I have saved mine… granted it was bleach, a week later on one of my other friends. it is fine just make sure you have enough because if you dont its goonna look really bad

Answer #3

That’s 3 dollars I don’t have though. Most of the time the cheap ones turn out like crap too. I have what I want. I just want to know if it will work, and if it will be safe.

Answer #4

I wouldn’t! It costs like 3 dollars for cheap hair dye .. just get another one girl.

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