Is this how I should feel?

ok so I just posted a question bout something and now I feel really guilty about it because I no people have it worse than me. I always feel like that whenever I try to tell someone which is why I always bottle up my feelings. Am I right for feeling guilty or not? idkk my friend says its ok to tell someone bout somehting bothering you but I no people have it worse so idkk.

Answer #1

Thanks but I just think about the starving kids, or kids that get abused or kids who dont have mothers or fathers or kids who have life threatening disases, or for any people for that matter and when I do it just seems like they deserve more attention than I do you no?

Answer #2

if your problem is something that cuts you deep.. it really shouldn’t be compared to someone else’s problems… if something bugs you so much, it is ment to be shared, and not botteled up… cause it’s just more painful that way… don’t wait till you burst!

Answer #3

It sounds like you’re being very level-headed about everything. You’re keeping your problems in perspective, which is very important, not creating unnecessary drama about it, and considering the feelings of other people. Frankly, I don’t think humanity could have asked for a more considerate advice-asker.

Take a few breaths and release your guilt. You’re doing everything right. Just because someone somewhere at some time is having a harder life doesn’t mean things are not allowed to bother you. The best any of us can do is deal with our own problems the best we can, and hopefully make a few other people’s lives better while we do it.

Answer #4

Just because people have it worse than you doesnt make what you’re going through any less painful. You cant compare yourself to other people, because someone is always going to have it worse off. Your pain, your feelings, your complaints are all very real problems, and in your life they have a big impact. You dont need to feel guilty. If you were whining about having to miss a party I’d maybe tell you to grow up and look around, but your problems are hardly minor and you shouldnt feel bad talking about them.

Answer #5

you should talk to someone but only a person that you trust and only one person and make sure that they tell you something about them so ya could help each other out

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