Is this Hemorrhoids or what?

ok so I fear I might have Hemorrhoids or some other kind of “anal issue”… it feels like there’s something on my anus… so I touched it to see yeah I know it’s gross but I wanted to see what it was and it feels almost kinda uprose on the right side of my butthole… not really SUPER uprose but I could feel it a little. Is this Hemorrhoids or is it how a butt feels I’ve never touched one until then because I don’t exactly make that a habbit? And would vasaline help if this is some sort of problem?

Answer #1

Go to a women’s clinic, pretty sure they can look at your bum if they look at vaginas all day. Or go to another regular clinic and ask for a female doctor. Young people can get them too btw.

Also, I think these two links would help:

Answer #2

yes it sounds like hemorroids, its hard to say wit out looking, lol you need to get some thing to shrink them and I dont think vasoline will do it.get some preporation h if theb problem persist see your dr

Answer #3

Too much long term sitting can create extra pressure on the bottom therefore invoking a favorable environment for a hemorrhoids if this is combined with a sharp force such as in constipation or pregnancy (women). The natural cure for hemorrhoids here is to make sure you don’t sit for over An hour at a time, and always remember to do stretches which promotes a healthy blood flow.If you are not obeying this rule than you can surrounded by external hemorrhoids.

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