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okay so I wrote this thing about suicide, tell me what you think about it. please!

Suicide is on the rise in the United States of America. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, its the 8th leading cause in males, and the 19th leading cause in females. The total number of suicides last year in this country alone was 29,350. Suicide outnumbered homicides by 5 to 3, and there are twice as many deaths due to suicide than deaths to HIV/AIDS. Suicide is now the 3rd leading cause of death amoung young people 15 to 24.

Sadly the leading causes of people commiting this horrific act towrds themselfs is because of bullying, family pressure, and body image.

Bullying is one of the leading causes, people who have problems with bullying, or cyber bullying feel traped, and not being able to get out of this. It makes me sick thinking of the kind of people who completly drive other teens to commit suicide. Just one inncident can cause someone to be pushed over the edge, one taunting, one rude name, one hurtfull gesture. Suicide. Its a real thing, not imagenary, not a figment of your imagination, not a science fiction story, this is life. This is real. Do everything you can to prevent something like this.

Here are some of there storys…

APRIL MICHELLE HIMES—Prior to her suicide, April had missed 53 days of school and attempted suicide once before, using pills. April’s parents had found her counseling but without the harassment ending at her school there was no resolving her basic problem, “bully peers”. School officials had been told what was going on with April and why she was missing so much school but they were of no help. April was no different than many other teenagers her age but she was very tender hearted. Despite being of normal weight, April was teased as if she were “fat” and having minor acne was another “flaw” harassers verbally used to hurt her. Physical pushing by bullies only made it worse. Physical abuse can hurt but adding emotional abuse can cause depression. Bullying is what killed April!

THOMAS TROSVIK —“Tom was a 12 year old boy full of love, and smiles. He had a deep compassion for learning and aviation. Tom appreciated the individuality and differences among his peers and encouraged friendships among all. On February 8, 2006 Tom came home from school, threw down his back pack on the kitchen floor, went out to our barn and hung himself. In that instance our lives changed forever. We were in complete shock. Nothing Tom had done or said before his death had answered our questions of - why? Slowly as days went by we were able to piece together bits of information, our son was the victim of bullycide. Tom had been bullied on the school bus and in the hallways of school. We don’t know the full extent of what he suffered, he didn’t tell us, so we’ll never know. But it was enough that when the kids on the bus told him different ways he could take his life, he did.” -Toms mother

These stories are sad yes, the other thing that is sad is these suicides could have been prevented. They could have been prevented when those people who bullied them made that stupid dissicion to have a glimpse of heartless fun and make fun of these teens. One little thing can be enough to push somebody over the edge. One taunting name, one hurtful gesture, one unkind word, it can be enough to push someone over the edge. So next time you think that one thing isn’t hurtfull, it may be. In my mind, when you cause someone to commit suicide, even though its by there hand, its your heartless words that did it. you, the bully, are the murderer. I know for myself if I didn’t have my friends then I probably wouldnt be here right now. Some people really dont have any friends, so change your ways, grow a heart, and become a friend.

Answer #1

I like it. Just a few spelling errors I noticed (this is if it is for school or whatever) but is good.

Answer #2

this was very well written and very informative. if it was for school it has everything they look for in a good paper, statistics, actual facts. it shows that you really did your research. it brought tears to my eyes because its all the truth. yes, a person who commits suicide is troubled in their own head but the bullying at school doesnt help. teens are so cruel today its ridiculous. and its not even just teens anymore, I see my 9 year old sisters friends acting like this already. at 9 years old I couldn’t ever imagine trying to hurt sombody the way I see it going on today. sad to think that was only 9 years ago.. whats the future holding for us? hopefully some of those bullies will read this and think twice before picking on sombody because of there appearance.

Answer #3

What made you want to write about suicide?,. it seams very welll writen. but im going to say, the Bully is not the murder. the person that commets suicide is a troubled person and unless they are not imformed about HELP that can be provided then the killer is them selfs. a person that commets suicide is very selfish from my eyes, because they dont think about the serounding people, there family. & friends. bulling is wrong, and instead of people hurting each other . choose the better path, I belive in karma and I try not to be rude to anyone. this was a well done peice of work. but I think becoming more imformed on peoples emotions about suicide would make your word a lot more interestiong. getting everyones point of view. but well done.

Answer #4

Thanks ya’ll. no its not for school, but im sending it to some people. it may be a thing in a magazine writtin by teens. So I desided to write about that, plus I have delt with bullys, I know its tough but I would never consider hurting myself. but I wanted to show my opinion, the facts, plus some stories. glad most of you liked it

Answer #5

this was very well written and very informative. if it was for school it has everything they look for in a good paper, statistics, actual facts. it shows that you really did your research. it brought tears to my eyes because its all the truth. yes, a person who commits suicide is troubled in their own head but the bullying at school doesnt help. teens are so cruel today its ridiculous. and its not even just teens anymore, I see my 9 year old sisters friends acting like this already. at 9 years old I couldn’t ever imagine trying to hurt sombody the way I see it going on today. sad to think that was only 9 years ago.. whats the future holding for us? hopefully some of those bullies will read this and think twice before picking on sombody because of there appearance.

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