Is this a joke?

I recently put my measurments and everything Ito describe what I look like on this post to get modeling and acting jobs. A creative director called me today, well left a msg, and said that I have been chosen to do projects in Hollywood. I dont know if it is a rip off or not! Shuld I call the guy back???

Answer #1

Please be really cautious with stuff like this. See how much information you can find out about the company and also research the name of the person who contacted you. It’s very easy for anyone, anywhere, to create a web site and come across a certain way.

Dont give out your real name and address at all - keep everything anonymous until you’re absolutely sure it’s bonafide. And of course, goes without saying, part with NO MONEY and NO CREDIT CARD info!

Answer #2

Yeah you should, but be carefull. If he asks for money then it’s most likely a rip off.

Answer #3

ummm yaaa even if he isnt, you haft a try!!

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