Is this a bit extreme?

ok. so I know its not exactly “right” talking “dirty” to guys when your 13. and that was a long time ago. my mother still doesnt trust me no matter how much I do to try and prove to her that I am trustworthy. I mean the stuff I said I didnt even mean… but now she wants all my passwords. for my email, myspace, computer account, everything. she goes through my phone and everything. I mean I know its hard to trust me but isnt that going a little to far?

Answer #1

If my mom looked at my messages etc she would freak like they should respect your privacy. Just sit your mom down and explain that you need your privacy. x

Answer #2

no im a mother and I would do the same thing she is just bein a great mother sorry hony but it is the truth.

Answer #3

yh although she kind of has a right as your mother but also its an invasion of privacy.

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