Is there sumthin wrong?

Wekll I have this boyfriend and he likes me so much! he always tells me that he loves me and I KNOW that he means it. I liked it and I really liked him back and I even thought it was love at one point but then all of the sudden I just kinda stopped liking him (well not totally..just not as much as I used to)…whats wrong with me? I am afraid that if I break up with him I will regret it because I would be throwing away a perfect relationship. and I really do (or did) like him. maybe its just a phase but I dont know. and I havent talked to him about this because I know it would crush him! so what do I do?

Answer #1

First of all, I have had similar experiences. What I do, is just wait it out and hope that its just a phase. It usually is, and from then on things should be great again :)

Hope I helped a bit.

Answer #2

maybe what you were feeling for him wasnt love, it was more puppy love, a crush and now your crush has gone away. It may be just a phase so give it some time and if your feelings dont change then you need to let him go becos he deserves the chance at finding someone who he can love, and she will love him back 100%, so if your feelings dont change you need to let him no.

Answer #3

okay , well this is totally normal. you have lost interest in ur partner because inside maybe u feel there’s some thing missing and maybe u cant figure it out and will never but trying to stay in that puzzled pusition is like trying to fit a square into a cirlcle. hope this advice helped! kcutie

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