is there innocent love?

well im a guy and I think I love a guy always anna see him and want him to say hi but I dont think about “discusting thoughts “ like being intimate with him “ you know what I mean ,, is that ok ? is it considered gayness

Answer #1

hmmm no I think their are such things called guy and girl crushes like hmmm you might just like him like I don’t know how to describe it because its never happened to me but maybe he’s someone you just admire a lot. it doesn’t nessicarily mean that your gay.

Answer #2

GAY PRIDE!! I LOVE YOOH! :) but yah I do think its a little feminine..sorry hun but like the moshposh girl said think your actions through and ask someone you absolutly completly TRUST!! GOOD LUCK! ~shally~

Answer #3

There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. If you want to be gay then be gay,

Answer #4

innocent love exists

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