is there a way I an ask him?

ok I really need help this is killing me, im 15, I like this guy and he keeps giving me little hints he likes me… then he wont even talk 2 me, and I no poeple are going to say, hes not worth it and all but hes also my best friend and I cant imagine life without him, what do I do? is there a way I can ask if he’s interested in me without ruining a great friendship or making me feel like a fool? ps he already knows I like him.

Answer #1

go for it he may be afraid to show his feelings as well when my ex and i started dating i told him first he did not say a thing i went home and cried i thot well thats it he doesnt like me…..we started dating a couple days later …he told me he thot i was playing a prank on him…you know he thot i told him that waiting for him to say he liked me then make fun of him and tell him i did not like him ….so go for it we were together 10 months ya know im still in love with him and i wouldnt change the day i told him that for anything in the world he deserves to know

Answer #2

Tell him it’s worth it he needs to know really really badly start talking to him again ussually talking to someone is the best you can do and if he says sorry i just don’t have strong feelings about you just be friends work on him more or don’t, he just needs to know you really do like him be kind to him or if he’s a really rough guy act rough infront of him just take it easy.

Good luck

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