is there a way 2 make a sunburn go away faster?

How. Do you make a sunburn hurt less and. Is there a way 2 make it go way faster?

Answer #1

Use aloe vera with lidocane. Make sure to pop it in the fridge before using it.

Answer #2

Ibuprofen and a cold bath/shower helps for the pain. Ice or a cold cloth will also relieve discomfort.

Then get a after sun lotion with aloe vera in it to soothe the burn and stay out of the sun for a few days, if you do go in make sure you wear an spf of at least 30.

Another thing that works is adding either baking soda or vinegar to your bath to help relieve the pain.

other than that, there is no fast way to get rid of it. You’ll just have to wait for your body to heal.

Answer #3

aloe vere cream or gel well help with the burning and tightness of the skin but burt skin is very painfull and it should start to heel in a few days

Answer #4

What I do is, I fill the bathtub with cold water then I pour half gallon of milk and I stay there for like 30 minutes.

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