is there a reason why I'm just "cute"?

everyone thinks im cute and I rarely get called hot.. is that a bad thing? and why am I just “cute”?

Answer #1

don’t make it such a big deal hun’ its not bad. mabe its because you have a baby face. and also they might not be so interested in getting in your panties and actually want to know you so.. they say your cute as a form of respect.

Answer #2

well usualy with girls with me and my friends if we say a chik is hot its usualy like we would rather have sex with em but then if we ssay osmeone is cute we mean like we could actualy like you and spend a lot of time and so on so forth but yer I rekon cute is better than hot anyways :D

Answer #3

when I was in middle school the same thing happened to me. my friend always got called hot and I was just cute…come high school I was hot and she was fat lol…basically youll have your time and itll be the most important time. consider yourself lucky.

Answer #4

no thatz not a bad that at all..ima guy so certain girls just fit the words HOT or CUTE or FINE but it doesnt necessarily mean one is better than the other I cant explain it lol but its not a bad thing at all

Answer #5

maybe because guys are too shy to be calling you hot so they call you cute…I personaly think your hot tho =P

Answer #6

trust me, you are hot. and yeah I guess they don’t want to offend you?

Answer #7

because look at you girl your adorable..its probably because your young but being cute is better then hot. just like id rather be called beautiful then sexy

Answer #8

R u kidding?! Ur GoRGEOUS!

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