is that normal ?

hayy .. am 16 and I wear a 32a bra is that normal !! should I go see adoctor and see whats wrong or just wait ??

Answer #1

oh sweetie, don’t worry. I was a 36A when I was 16…and overnight it seemed I turned into a 38C…not kidding. happened in one year actually…a little after I turned 17…look…a girl stops developing around the ages of 18 to 20…you have several more years in which to grow…

look at your body type…are you slender? do you have a lean bone structure? if you lean towards the slender build, then don’t count on going much over a full B cup…and that is normal for you…if you have a medium to heavier build, you might be in for a C cup or higher…

if you are seriously worried about your breasts not developing you can see a doctor. in all seriousness if you don’t see any development in a years time then ask to talk to a doctor…you might be able to take hormones to encourage their development. But don’t worry…Nature has a weird sense of humor and sometimes when you least expect it…you grow.

don’t worry sweetie, you’ll be just fine. Let Nature do what it does best, and just go with the flow…okay?

Answer #2

hahaha its def. normal! your not the only one (: believe me. I suffer from small boobage as well. just gotta flaunt the other stuff.. like muscles collar bone, big toe? haha dont worry about it girly (:

Answer #3

Its totally normal…some people just weren’t meant to have big boobs however your still young and they might get bigger so for now just focus on other things…

Answer #4

GOD What the hell is with everyone? Be happy you even have boobs. Get some self esteem, and then you wont worry about your boobs. And let me tell you from experense big boobs are no walk in the park, I am a 36E and all the time guys comment on my boobs or just completely forget I have a face while talking to them. I ACCIDENTALY flashed this guy once and he told all his friends “ It was like seeing two wet raccons fighting in a wet paper bag!” … so yeah be happy with what you got and WORK IT

Answer #5

Thats tottally fine.. I was not that different from you… and I was proud Lol… for some reason I was very boy-like…

Answer #6

Normal for You - everyone is different and develops at different rates.

Answer #7

thats normal for a guy. the bigger the better

Answer #8

32a? I’m 14 and gotta 36b. It’s normal.

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