Is she about to dump me?

Ok my girl use to talk to me evey day and we would cuddle laugh and kiss. But it seems each day we do less talkin and cuddlin. It seems like she is one step away from breaking up with me or is it that im just gettin paranoid. Should I just let it go and let her break up with me. I love her but, if she doesn’t love me like how I love her than what’s the point. How do I get her back before she leaves me. Do I let her think, and leave her alone for a while. What do I do, I love her and I dont want to loose her.

Answer #1

You need to TALK to her. If you love her, and want to stay with her, you need to figure this out together. Say that you feel like you aren’t spending time together the way you used to, and that really makes you sad. Say you miss her and ask her on a date. Plan a nice evening, look to cook something, bring her over to your house and go from there!

Also: BIG tip. Every girl is way into “the little things.” Do you remember her favorite flower? Get some for her. Remember her passing a necklace that she loved? Get it for her. Tell her something nice about her that you love, the way she tucks her hair behind her ear when she’s talking, or how she looks down at her shoes whenever she’s nervous or something. THe little things that you love about her. She would like to hear about them, trust me.

Answer #2

Try talking to her actually come out and ask her why she’s changed

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