Is she pregnant?

Me and my g/f had sex April 3 and her period started March 23 what are the chances that she is pregnant? I think she has her period twice a month

If she is pregnant would she miss her next month May period or would she have e missed the April period?

Answer #1

You had sex on day 11 of her cycle. which is NOT very safe. A woman ovulates anywhere between about 10 and 18 days before her next period, typically on the 14th day.

If she is pregnant, she will have missed the period that was due around April 20.

Answer #2

um your gal can fal pregas at any time. I was on the pill and still fell pregnant so any thing is possable. but then agen anyone could be infertile too, you just neva no.. ask her to take a home preagnacy test on the 3rd of may the pregnacy tests can not be right untill she is late, still after that she should take a blood teast some people can only find out thro a blood test.. good luck

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