Is my poem any good?

I hope this poem doesn’t suck… I wrote it in math class… I like to call this one… “Time”

As time comes to pass I try to forget my past fearing the pain I hid like monsters under my bed

I try to sleep but all I do is weep my eyes hurt from crying because inside I’m dying

Loneliness is all I feel hoping someday the wounds heal once again depression sets in I’m on my own again

You crossed the line and left me behind make it clear you don’t need me here.

Answer #1

awww. That bring tears to my eyes I no how you feel that was azimg

Answer #2

I really like your poem, I write poetry 2 it sounds like a lot of the stuff I write. keep writting your good

Answer #3

If you want an honest opinion..I think it’s pretty weak. I’ve heard and read things like this many of times. I suggest being more descriptive maybe using some similes or metaphors.

Answer #4

is that how you really feel?? it just describe so many of my emotion perfectly!!! kinda hit a nerve there, but I’m touchy lately, made me cry!!! keep writing, and if this is how you feel, you can always fun mail me or camment or anything!!! love to here from you xx

Answer #5

two thumbs up!! :) so is this something you like to do writting poems because this poem rocked!! I liked it and I dont think it sucked!! :)

Answer #6

wow, you are amazing!! I loved it!! psh, girls love it when guys write poetry so be thankful you have such an amazing talent!!!

Answer #7

aw thanks :)

Answer #8

Pretty dam bored lol.

terrorincognita, I guess your the weakest link here. But thanks for the advice anyways :P

thanks all for the complements, And to answer some of the questions up there, I feel like that yeah. I’ll continue to write more and post them :)

Answer #9

love the words ,do you truley feel like that? xxxhunixxx

Answer #10

omg1! that is really good! how bored were you in math class?

Answer #11

its fabulous, I can relate on this poem, its absolutely nice, oh im in deep emotion. I surely like it. good job!

Answer #12

wow!! I like it. good job =D

Answer #13


Answer #14

I like it yes :)

Answer #15

that was good:)

Answer #16

it’s cool man keep up the good work

Answer #17

Strange, My poem was supposed to be in “music” now it’s in this category…

Answer #18

Your a natural kid, keep it up! Its a lot like mine that I write!

Answer #19

I really like the peom. But you need better self esteem about your self.

Answer #20

whoa. I like it!

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