Is my lovebird sick?

Hi, I have had my lovebirds for about a month, the girl has gone really quiet and keeps hiding under her food bowl at the bottom of the cage, and her feathers look all patchy. She is breathing quite heavily. Anyone have any ideas as to what this could be??

Answer #1

Take your bird to the vet immediatly. there are many things that can affect a birds health. Stress, tempature, food and treats you give, to name a few. Your bird sounds pretty sick to me, I have two parakeets. After you go to the vet either keep reading about birds online or get a book. Birds are seen as easy pets to keep, but if their health declines they can be very difficult to rehabilitate. ALWAYS cahnge the water AND food daily; you don’t have to throw out all the food, but birds will only eat off the top of a food dish that the seed husk falls back into. Make sure they are warm, (Parakeets aka love birds aka budgees) are native to the rainforrests of New Zeland, give them a temp range from the high 60’s to mid 70’s. If the male is still heathy vibrant and active, your female could be very sick. Again if you care about this bird as you pet and companion take it to the vet. Look for a vet that specializes in exotic birds. they are not as exspensive as they sound. hope all turns out well for you and your pet.

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