Is my I.Q. good?

Ok I got my I.Q. checked today and it said 145 and I was wondering if that was good?

Answer #1

It is good. IQ is a numerical representation of your MENTAL age Divided by your PHYSICAL AGE and then multiplied by 100 so if you are 12 years old, but posess the mental acuity of a 17 year old divide 17 by 12 (1.416) multiply by 100 and your I.Q. would be 141. IQ is a measurable phenomenon, and bears relationships to intellect, but it is not graven in stone,and there are other tests and variables that determine your peer group. Poorly designed IQ tests, containing culturally biased qustions, existed some years ago and were shown to be inaccurate. An IQ of 100 was considered the standard average, but it is not at about 86 to 88 anything over 100 puts you in the bright category, in your case you are in the top 1%..the genius category. For God’s sake, be humble, and don’t tell people…they will feel ntimidated, and try to ostracize you, the same way as people pick on slow witted people. It sucks, but the best advice is be your self, and recognize that you have the intellect to think your way out of things…don’t use language that is over the heads of your friends…it will make them feel “stupid” and they will resent it.

Answer #2

Yah!! I think that a 105 I.Q is excellent! Great job and keep it up. You’ll go real far. at least you don’t have to be a person that knows everything.

Answer #3

yes, as stated above- that is a very good I Q, and as ridgerunner stated intimidation is a major thing, I can personally attest to that fact.

Answer #4

Over 140 - Genius or near genius 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence 90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence 80 - 89 - Dullness 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

so I guess your a genius :)

Answer #5


 More than 50% of the world's entire population does not have an I.Q. above 100 so, definitely, yes that is a good I.Q.  I got a 126 when I was tested for my I.Q. and I was pretty proud of that.  So if I were you, I'd be pretty darned happy about my intelligence level.  You might be considered what is called a "Regional Genius".  Most Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Architects, and Clergymen have an I.Q. around your level.

Yes, It’s A Good I.Q.


Answer #6

that is really good! I have an iq of 136

Answer #7

nerd.. lol jk. your IQ is 145 I think that’s great.

Answer #8

Where’d you take it I want to take it

Answer #9

I think so! I don’t even know my IQ so concider yourself lucky! LMAO

Answer #10

it depends where you actually got your IQ test taken. Like some online places just have you take the IQ test so they can get something out of it…I don’t know how to word that lol…but if it was a very reliable place then you’re a very smart person and take things seriously :)

Answer #11

it means that you are either a lucky bastard or an idiot

Answer #12

you are either a lucky bastard or an idiot

Answer #13

I think that you are a lucky bastard or an idiot

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