is my hymen broken???

hi I am 14 years old and I have been masturbating above my clothes meaning without any objects but just a finger for rubbing and not inserting it into my vagina two weeks ago (the las time I had masturbated)I bled so I thought it was my period but a couple of hours later there was no blood could that have been my hymen broken or what???please tell me!!! especially where I live if a girl has ost her hymen she never gets married!!! and my parents dont know what I am doing!!!please answer me quickly!!!

Answer #1

u can break your hymen from anything like stretching or anything so if your parents ask and its broken it probably from spreading your legs not from your finger

Answer #2

where I live if a girl has ost her hymen she never gets married! Are you serious? That doesn’t even make sense because a girls hymen can break even from doing things like rough sports and using tampons.

To answer your question - it sounds like your hymen broke, if you can get your fingers any more than 4 inches, its broken.

Answer #3

Good answers from stephanief987 and baseball9977.

Most guys would not even know if you had a hymen or not as many girls break these by accident before they even sleep with a man.

I know in some countries where it is traditional for the husband to show off the blood on a white sheet to friends and relatives ‘proving’ that their wife was had a hymen.

However, because not having a hymen on your wedding night has nothing to do with if a girl is a virgin or not, a lot of couples smuggle in a small bottle of animal blood to put on the sheet just in case.

Even if you had broken your hymen through sex, many guys would not be able to tell this except if you gave it away by the way you acted during sex. (IE Acted like you had done it before)

Just to confirm that you cannot lose your vaginity by tearing your hymen. You only lose your vaginity from having sexual intercourse. (a penis inserted into your vagina)

If you are still worried you could always check yourself with a mirror in private and then compare what you see to the diagrams on the website I have posted below: (Be aware that every girl is different and there are many different types of hymens):



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