Is my hair too long?

I’m always having people complain that my hair is way too long its only past my shoulders and around my arms a little bit probally because I like heavy-metal and I love to head-bang and do the circle-head bang.

I thought about cutting it but I dont want to because its tooken freakin forever to get it this long what do you guys think?

Answer #1

remember this: it YOUR hair. not theirs. if YOU like it, keep it, if you dont, chop it. you said it took a while to get it how you wanted it, so dont worry sbout them because it is none of their business.

Answer #2

I’m not a guy, but think long hair is fine if it is neat & tied back.

Answer #3

I had to cut my hair short because it was starting to weigh me down. As long as your hair isn’t like that, keep it like that! I would love to have long hair. Why would they complain it is too long? It is nothing to do with them. Keep it long, keep them annoyed. Or tell them you won’t get your hair cut just because some people want you to. Britz

Answer #4

Its all up to you. Just make sure you get regular hair trims to get the dead/split ends off so it looks healthy.

Answer #5

I don’t know.. people say mines too long too

Answer #6

I (personally) don’t like it when guys have hair that long, dunno why, it’s just a preference. So the people your getting that from are like me, it’s just their own sense of style that they’re voicing. However if you like your hair the way it is then leave it. In the end it should be you whose happy, not them (based on your hair that is)

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