Is my girlfriend pregnant?

My girlfriend and I has fingering activity on the 25th of august on the 31st august my she had bleeding which my girlfriend says were periods and were normal as per ..

now the periods she had were normal …but now since 5th yesterday she has got headache…she had vomit that morning and had fatigue ,highfever which goes and comes …

one more thing these periods she got were irregular timed in 15 days …15 days early

… now can she be pregnant I even dont remember if had I touched my genetial or not before I fingered or in the mid of the activity or any way else ,but I think I did touch my gential … I even masturbated and even after that I fingered her.. I dont remember if I washed my hands or not or I directly fingered her again… ..? now we are in fear that she cud be pregnant ? CAN SHE BE PREGNANT…

SHE SAYS THE PERIODS WERE NORMAL LIKE ANY OTHER ONE .. BUT ONLY CONCERN IS EARLY PERIODS AND HER FATIGUE FEVER AND TIREDNESS ,EXHAUSTION, and kind of suffocation and giddiness and the only fear I had in mind is that could the bleeding which my girlfriend got wasnt period and was a inplantation bleeding since even that occurs in 6-12 days after fertilization she again had a vomit this morning … she is having heavy fever as well along with headeache ? now how much are the chances of pregnancy and when can I have a home pregnancy test to determine the results ?

Answer #1

yea it does hun .. do your mutha f.u.c.k.I.n.n research .. yall are idiots , let people say what the f*ck they have to sayy .. give your opinion ill give mine .. naw meen ?

Answer #2

I went through a scare like this…

I gave a guy a hand job, and we were both naked, and im pretty sure his cum touched my va-jay-jay (lol) and I was freaking out cause I thought I was pregnant for like.. ever, lol

but the truth is, you CAN get pregnant just by getting a litttle bit of semen on her vagina. that’s why it’s so bad to have unprotected sex

Answer #3

To start off with, you can not get a girl pregnant by fingering her. Even if you touched your thangy first. because if you did && you had cum && then touched her down there.. sperm dies as soon as it hits air.. thats why your suppose to put your thangy in her vagina then cum.. then she would be pregnant.


Answer #4

well there is always a chance…but the possiblility is slim…she should get tested..but fever and headache are usually not symtoms of pregnancy

Answer #5

sperm does not die as soon as it touches the air (there IS air in the vagina). if you dont know what you are talking about, dont give advice. you CAN get pregnant without having sex, all it takes is for sperm to reach the vagina, whatever way that happens. implantation bleeding is the egg burrowing into the lining of the uterus, so only a very very light spotting on her panties, nothing like a period, becuase what would usually be shed in a period is now being used. I doubt your girlfriend is pregnant, just the flu!

Answer #6

Obviously, many pregnancy symptoms may occur for other reasons, or be confused with other ailments. For example, feelings of nausea or abdominal discomfort might occur with a gastrointestinal virus or food poisoning – or pregnancy. Fatigue may mean depression, a cold or flu, anemia (low iron levels) – or pregnancy. Frequent urination could be a sign of an urinary tract infection, diabetes, too much coffee – or pregnancy.

My point is… A high fever is not a sign of pregnancy. Chances are she’s just stressed out and has the flu.

I would suspect implantation bleeding if it occurs a bit earlier than expected, if it were scanty, spotty, pinkish and not red and heavy like a period, and does not follow the normal pattern of a period (light to heavy to light).

There is often the feeling that it is a period with light cramps and bloating, but the bleeding is shorter, lighter and just not normal.

If a woman is usually regular, and now all of a sudden develops this type of early spotting, and of course is ‘at risk’ for a pregnancy, I would strongly suspect conception.

I would say your chances are slim but it’s always a good idea to get a pregnancy test.

Answer #7

Ummm I think there is the EPT that lets you get to test three weeks afterwards. It says one week before your missed period. You should try to take her to the doctor, if her parents can’t know just take her yourself so she can ask. If anything it just might be bad timing that she got sick afterwards. (Always the optimist heh)

If she’s having this much problems she definitely needs to look into medical help. If you’re really worried about parents, say you two are going to hang out for a day and go to another town’s doctor to ask about it all. Maybe have them call your cell phone with the results so her parents don’t hear. If her parents can know, let them take her to the regular doctor.

Point is, that does not sound like a normal period. Now it might be that she’s just stressing out too much. In which case you need to comfort her and such. And if you’re a good guy (sounds like you are) you’ll care enough to help her out right now. There’s nothing more comforting than a guy willing to go to the store to buy you some headache medicine or just sit with you until the cramping passes.

Answer #8

If she has her period, she CAN’T be pregnant! Duh. you shoulda known that. I’m 14 and I know that!! Ajnd if your pen*s hasn’t actually punctured her vagina, then she can’t be pregnant either, because she still counts as a virgin.

Answer #9

Punctured her vagina? Now that sounds painful!! Haha. And actually, you can still get your period if you’re pregnant. Wow I’m really confused by the person above me.. the very second a girl is penetrated, she is no longer a virgin. Pregnancy has nothing to do with it. Getting pregnant can occur any time you have sex, even protected sex. Nothing is 100% safe.

I would say wait until you’ve waited long enough, and then run to the drugstore and pick up a few pregnancy tests. To me, it sounds like she just has a bad cold or flu, especially with the fever you mentioned. But be safe and take a test just in case!

Answer #10

see a doctor

Answer #11

dang start washing your hands lol

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