Is my dog dying?

I have a chihuahua shes turning 6 in may. Shes really bad. Shes shaking non stop.

It is cold outside but nothing takes it away. Shes drooling and she cant stand up. She wont move at all.

It’s horrible. I don’t know whats wrong. My dad won’t let us take her to the vet.

He refuses. He said “If she dies then she dies” I cant take it anymore. I dont know what to do. Im scared.

Answer #1

all you can do is prey babe

Answer #2

Aww:( I’m so sorry, this must be really hard for you. You really need to get this pet to a vet as soon as possible. Convince SOMEONE to take you. It might just save her. I wish you the very best.<3

Answer #3

Put her down it like people with alzhiemers why let them get so bad they just waste way to nothing thye should (This will sound bad but) “put them down” in terms people with alzhiemers forget how to do every day things its not a pretty sight…

Answer #4

Honey…I don’t know what to tell you, if your dad won’t let you take her to the Vet…this dog sounds as tho she’s in shock…possibly poisoned, (the slobbering)…or she may be having a seizure…and will snap out of it in a bit…if she does, keep her quiet.

If she doen’t snap out of it…can you get a hot water bottle or a heat pad and blanket…if not, take her to bed with you…NOW… to help her warm up (if she’s in shock, this will help)…after that, all you can do is hope that she gets better…or that she passes quickly.

I’m sorry your dad thinks this way…very sorry.


Answer #5

Phrannie covered it all and she could have liver shunt or just be diabetic. but without a vet I don’t know what to tell you. Sometimes you can take a dog to the vet and sign them over and they will treat her and find her a new home or chihuahua rescue, atleast you would know she had a far chance, please just don’t let her suffer, they can live to be in there 20’s. Maybe you chould call animal control and sign her over. I know it would be hard to see her go to a new home but she would get the treatment she needs and you would be doing the best thing for the dog.

Answer #6

sounds like it could be epilepsy too… which needs immediate treatment… and its expensive. im sorry, youre probably going to have to get rid of her

Answer #7

Actually…if it is a seizure, and it gets diagnosed as epilepsy…it’s VERY cheap to control…Doggie phenobaratol is VERY cheap…


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