Is my boyfriend cheating on me?

Alright here’s my problem: I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 6 months and he recently got a new job and he’s gotten really close to this one girl and he’s always talkin about how nice she is and that she’s so helpful and friendly and I couldn’t give him a ride home from work last week so she did and I recently found out from a friend that this girl is known to get around and that she didn’t bring him right home after work that they went to the movies with other people from their job and he told me about it but didn’t even bother to invite me so should I be worried or am I just paranoid? (Btw I’m not the jealous type at all)

Answer #1

I think hes cheating you dont go to the movies with another girl evan if it I with freinds without inviting your girl freind if I was you I would get a freind that works with him to keep an eye on him or get a freind to folo him

Answer #2

It kinda sounds like he might be cheating… however, you can’t be totally sure hes cheating unless you find evidence. now with this I don’ t mean search his pockets or his text messages! If you really want to find out if hes cheating show up at work one day (without telling him) to see what hes up to. but then again my best advice would be to talk to him about whats really going on. dont fear break ups they only make you stronger.

good luck*

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