is it wrong to be different/weird?

of couse im asking a rhetorical question. although..I would like to hear form every one…if you are one of the few who stick out like a sore thumb…how are you treated in every day society. me for one of course get looked down apon concidering my school is a bunch of conformed clones. or do you disagree with you think every one should be exactly the same and go by the expectations of society?

Answer #1

normal? blahh

I hate being normal!

I mean come on dont you just wish you can make a scene and runaway laughing and yea you may have that hold lady chasing after you with a cane telling you to shut the f up but oh well. we are only young for soo long so we have to treat every single day like it’sour last because one day it my just slip away from us. so take chance, wear cool clothes, do something weird to your hair…anyways it dosent matter, as long as you stay true to yourself:)

Answer #2

I know how that goes. I think that everyone should be theirselves… their TRUE selves. F*ck what other people think. It annoys me sooo much when people are judgemental and don’t even get to know someone before they say stuff about them. What’s on the outside isn’t the most important… what’s on the inside is what counts the most. Don’t let people get you down, just ignore the uncalled for comments and be who you truly are. Never change yourself for ANYONE. If they want to change you, they’re not worth your time. True friends like you no matter what.

Answer #3

nah just do what you do if they dont like it they are haters and just want to get like you and when/if they do get like you change. thats what I always do.

Answer #4

I know how that goes. I think that everyone should be theirselves… their TRUE selves. F*ck what other people think. It annoys me sooo much when people are judgemental and don’t even get to know someone before they say stuff about them. What’s on the outside isn’t the most important… what’s on the inside is what counts the most. Don’t let people get you down, just ignore the uncalled for comments and be who you truly are. Never change yourself for ANYONE. If they want to change you, they’re not worth your time. True friends like you no matter what.

Answer #5

a7x gave great advice… kudos to her!

Answer #6

I get made fun of for something as stupid as my shoes.

but I hate how everyone who says there different is like…depressed. lol. I don’t know what I mean but everyone who I’ve met is sad and different

im a happy different lady haha

Answer #7

no, I think it is good to be your own person because if everyone was all the same things would be pretty boring. even sometimes being different and sticking out is a good thing a lot times other people like it and look for a person who can speekup and say things for themselves.

Answer #8

I’m very different. I can’t find people with my same likes or anything, but people seem to love me. I don’t give them crap to worry about, and they don’t give it to me. I have many friends, however my better friends are gone at the moment. I’m counting down the months to see them though!! but I do just fine for someone who’s so different. it’s hard to talk to people, very hard, but I find a way to do it. it’s great to be different, but sometimes being too different is very difficult. I know how hard it can be, but just being yourself makes everyone love you. :) I love being more different than most.

Answer #9

Dude! Screw that! I say, be who you wanna be! I get called an outcast at my school1 And honestly! I LOVE BEING DIFFERENT!!! It’s the best feeling in the world! If you look like everyone else no one really get’s to see what you’re truley like! Although my friends and I have the same style… We are all different in many ways… I love being weird! It’s only way someone can REALLY express who they really are anymore… You know what! Screw all the lables! I hate them all! But honestly!!! I love it! Love it, love it, love it! I get weird glances on the bus riding to school in the morning, but so what! I smile and say good morning! And they see… I’m a real person!

Answer #10

freakin de doutch hahaha being different is the only way a being truly you if your the same then your just trying to be a robot I find myself happiest even in my weirder of times and have learned that I kant please everyone… gave up trying

Answer #11

Do what you want, and be treated accordingly. I have no qualms with individuality. The only thing that gets to be a problem is when someone considers themselves “different,” and then complains about it. Same as the people who refer to themselves as “sheep,” but don’t really buy into the whole conformist thing.

Answer #12

no I do not think so im not going to lie I am pretty uhm “popular” as some people say but my personality and the way I dress is way different from all of my friends and people respect me for that if it is a creepy weird like pedophile weird or like annoying weird then yes that could be a problem sometimes

listen to your heart and dont be afraid to be judged and watch out a lot of people will judge

Answer #13

no I dont. I love being diffrnt.

Answer #14

who wants to be ‘normal”?

I am a republican, heavy metal cowboy, wiccan- of course I stick out in a crowd.

there are too many people these days that have forgotten that originality and self expression are a good thing.

dye your hair purple- spike it up- go crazy and be YOURSELF.

Answer #15

Everyone would hate being Normal but a deviation would be rooted out and kicked out from the society.You either go with the society or against them.It’s your choice.

Answer #16

I HATE people who think they’re different, just so they can try and ‘stand out’ from all the people in the unoriginal life they lead. It’s those stupid people who try and stick out, but you know they would never EVER do anything that anybody would think was weird. Like those people who go, “Hahaha oh, you’ll never understand me! I’m so weird! LOL!” And really, they are the boring, cookie cutter people you see everyday, whose worst fear in live is to be laughed at, or excluded, or, god forbid, thought of as a freak. The people who have turned different into a cliche, “Be a fruitloop in a world of cherrios!!” It sickens me.

Answer #17

I, personally, have never felt that I stuck out the a sore thumb…I guess I would be what you consider a clone…just a assumption…

and the people you are referring to, I know a lot of them… I dont look down upon them…they are who they are. they chose to be the way they are. I dont see them as different or wierd because of the way they act or the way they dress…

everyone is their own person and everyone is different. NO ONE should be frowned upon. I actually see them as very creative and fun and ammusing…not ammusing in a bad laughed at way, ammusing as in I want to know about them. why they dress or look how they do? they just look intersting. they seem to be more carefree and I like the fact that they pretty much don’t give a crap what people think. honestly, I wish more people were like them. unlike most people, when they talk, they actually know what they are talking about and 90% of the time, what they talk about matters. and I like that they aren’t those people in school that talk about the mall, or that party, or their hair…its nice to know that some people are still “alive” in a sense, ya know?

Answer #18

Everyone should be able to be themselves.. and express themselves freely with the way they look.. I used to be “gothic” as people called it rolls eyes.. basically I liked black lol.. yes, I wore the chains and choker collars, black lipstick and eye makeup.. but it was my expression of self.. at another point in time I did the “grunge” thing.. basically wearing old man golf pants and concert t-shirts.. but again, just self expression.. society, unfortunately, doesn’t accept such things and as we grow up and get older we realize we ARE judged based more on our looks than our personality and points of view (our parents were wrong :( ) , so we have to conform to the masses and dress as well as look like everyone else.. it sucks, but its reality.. I still have a tongue ring.. but thats all thats left of those days.. if you want to work anywhere other than “Hot Topics” you have to change to suit mainstream.. its a harsh reality, but at some point it sets in with all of us “freaks”.. its not different or weird.. its part of growing up.. we’ve all done it to some degree :)

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