Is it wrong?

please answer…I’ve heard that it’s wrong for a girl to ask a guy out and I’ve also heard that it’s okay to ask a guy out. I want to ask this guy that I absolutley adore out but I don’t know if it’s right or not. Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy out on a date?

Answer #1

yes it is ok as long as you know he likes you as well, until you know that then id wait until he gives you the signs as well.

Answer #2

Hell yeah it is okay to ask a guy out girl, its the 21st century! The old “gender role” thing does NOT exist these days anymore girl. In fact you will find that girl are more in control these days, go for it, lifes too short!

Answer #3

Oh and infact I asked out my boyfriend and we’ve been together for awhile now!

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