Is it to soon...please help

Me & My Boyfriend had sex about a week & half ago without a condom…he came in me and didnt pull out, I was just wondering how long does it take before I get symtomes…for about 2 days now I’ve been kind of dizzy when I wake up, I was just wondering is it to soon to tell…what are the first signs..and how soon to you get them ?? I dont want to ask my boyfriend and scare him 4 nutting…and I dont want to worry my friend till im more then 50% sure I am…So please help..

Answer #1


I think your choice is highly respectable and its so refreshing to see it.

Now…. for your question.

A woman has one opportunity to get pregnant each month, and that is for sperm to fertilize her egg on the day that she ovulates. You body releases the egg and will only survive for 12-24 hours if it has not been fertilized. A woman normally ovulates around 14 days before her next period is supposed to start. So if your cycles are normally 28 days, you would have ovulated approx. 2 weeks after the first day of your last period. Also keep in mind… sperm can cervive inside your body for 3-5 days.

If the egg has been fertilized, it take about 7-10 days for implantation to occure. Before implantation, you have a free floating egg that is multiply at a very rapid pace. Once the egg implants, you may start to notice symptoms within the next couple of days. So basically, pregnancy symptoms begin around the time your period is supposed to show up.

You can take a pregnancy test at about 10 days after you had ovulated (about 4 days before your period is supposed to show up). If it is positive, then.. well, you are pregnant. If it is negative, wait and see if you miss your period… then take another if you do.

I hope everything works out for you.

Answer #2

Me and my boyfriend had sex about a week and 2 days ago We did it 3 Times he nutted in me a few times and Now im tired im Haveing headaces im always hungry I had like butterflys for like 3 days after and But the thing is is My Period was like 6-8 days late but now im on it Could I Be Pregnant? Help Me Someone

Answer #3

you should get a test and find out but if you haven’t missed your cycle yet wait until that happens that is usually thee first sign of pregnancy wait until then but afterwars take a test to be certain

Answer #4

it take up too 3 weeks to know and then if you dont have your period you need to fet a test and if you brest start to hurt then you need to really get a test

Answer #5

well is your period heavy or is it just spotting

Answer #6

lillaura gave some good, solid advice.

In spite of what if_lucy_fell said, an unborn child’s heart starts beating about 3 weeks after conception, and after two months, all of the major organ and body systems have begun to develop, including the brain, lungs, liver, and stomach. The baby has brainwaves (the same as the adult she will grow into) at this time.

Answer #7

Im 18, im just finishing hight school, and if anything my grandma told me she will take care of the child till im done college…

Answer #8

Well that your opinion, if im pregnant i will go thru with it, thats certain…As a Woman i Choses not to kill what maybe growing inside of me. ThnX Guyz for HeLping

Answer #9

Getting an abortion is a woman’s choice… what are you all talking about? Besides…. didn’t you learn anything in sceince… its not even a human.. doesnt even have brain activity… its nothing… basically a cell…

Answer #10

Ohh If im pregnant, having an abortion is completly off my list, i wont make a baby suffer because i decided to have sex… i just wanted to no, what are the symptoms after a week, if there is any..if not how long does it take to have symptoms.. just to try and figure it out ..PlEase HelP…:D thnx

Answer #11

Don’t stress out, thats the main thing because it will probably effect when you get your period. If you don’t get your period when it is due, wait for a few days and then take a pregnancy test. If this is negative, take subsequent tests in 3 day intervals. Eventually you will either get a possitive result and then it is YOUR CHOICE what you want to do about it, or you will keep getting negative results. After a possitive result or about a month of negative results you need to see you doctor; either to give you guidance on your pregnancy or to try to find out why you havn’t had a period. In the future use protection and save yourself the worry! I doubt this is being a fun experience or you :S p.s. your grandma sounds like a real good person whom you can confide in, i’m sure she’ll help you through this and be supportive all the way :) good luck x

Answer #12

Just one more thing… do u really think that you will have many opportunities in the future when you have a baby on ur hands? you can still have it… of course, but what about the future!!?? how will u work and get enough money??? how will u find a good job aswell as a full time baby sitter!? You’re family should help… but somethings will be very tough, and i wish you good luck!!! cause ur gonna need it!!! Its not too late u rethink it through!!

Answer #13

well from my experience, I have been pregnant twice and with my first i felt the symptoms right away, I’m talking days… with my second it was the same.. I am also in the same boat more or less, i just had unprotected sex with my husband last wednesday and started to feel “preganant” on friday…so don’t let anyone tell you that it can’t happen…it can. Only you know your body..My advice wait it out until you can take a pregnancy test and do it.

Answer #14

Your sister should have a pregnacy test asap… and if she is… then no.. there is no other way then abortion…

Answer #15

How old r u anyway munkey

Answer #16

ok gawjus007 stop tryna talk her out of it

Answer #17

first symptoms- no period, need to go to the toilet alot (to wee) maybe have stomach ache? i hope it’s helpful for u!!!

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