Is it possible for me to be pregnant ?

Im 15 I’ve had sex with my boyfriend 3 times in the past 9 days and I’ve stopped taking the pill for around 12 days is it possible for me to be pregnant as I didnt use a condom :/ :s ? I’ve started to get really bad sickness and back ache im really worried ?

Answer #1

yes its almost 100% likely that your pregnant NOTHING, not even birth control or a condom is 100% effective at preventiong cy and you didnt take the pill or use a condom anyway pregnant to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results and remember to LEARN about sex before you go off having it learn about as well as a male and female reproductive system birth control, contraception, pregnancy and sti/stds don’t have sex until you know the consequences involved with it because the main reason why kids and teens get pregnant and get stds is because of a lack of sex education

Answer #2

well my mum had me at the age of 15 and she didnt throw her life away and I wont dissapoint her she would just of expected me to learn from her mistakes :/ I only want some advice not a load of nasty lectures :(

Answer #3

If you have sex there’s a chance you’ll get pregnant no matter what method of protection you use. So this was kinda a silly question. If you don’t want to disappoint your mother don’t have sex to begin with at such a young age.

Answer #4

Called Planned Parenthood - they should be able to direct you to affordable pregnancy test options.

Answer #5

ANYTIME YOU HAVE SEX, there’s a chance of conception. This chance increases when you’re act irresponsibly… case in point.

And pregnancy tests are NOT expensive… go get one.

Answer #6

I dont no were to get a test though as there really expensive and I darent go to a doctors; im unsure whether to talk to my mum as she would understand as she had me at 15 but I dont want to dissapoint her :/

Answer #7

Theres a chance that you might be pregnant.. The pill changes your hormones so it takes a little while for your body to get back to normal. Take a test

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice