Is it possible ?

Hey, I’m fifteen and virgin, I was wondering if I broke my hymen. The reason I’m asking is that when I finger myself I can stick a least my hole middle finger inside. so I was wondering if it had broken. And I do sports if that might help. Thank you :)

Answer #1

no your probably fine it probably didnt pop and your probably still a virgin. when you pop it it bleeds a bit. trust me. youll know when you do!

Answer #2

no chances are you did. I know I didnt have one because I didnt bleed when I first had sex…you can pop it with tampons, sports, horse back riding, someone fingering you or you fingering yourself

Answer #3

well I dont think you have..usually it breaks with something bigger like a guys if you do have sex, it will hurt and bleed the first time

Answer #4

Okay this is a common mistake to make, but the hymen is located on the outside of the vagina, covering half of the hole at the vaginal entrance. There is no layer of skin on the inside of the vagina that breaks.

But you could have broken it anyways from earlier activity in life, such as gymnastics, extensive stretching, tampon usage, masterbation, and horseback or bycicle riding upon other ways. Some girls have also been known to have been born without a hymen. So don’t worry, the first time you have sex will still be your first time, hymen or not.

Answer #5

for example I know mine broke through gymnastics..x

Answer #6

yeeah prob popped that bit urself lol although no guy will ever believe that one. so goodluck with that

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