is it my cyst or am I pregnant

I had my period on feb 5 and on feb 12 I had sex but he didnt go in me and then on feb 18 I had a really sharp pain in my abdomen near right ovary went to the doctor and they did blood work and everything came back neg. even hcg. had a ultrasound done and they found a cyst on my right ovary but I still have a pain just about all the time it is a dull pain and on march 3 I started again but was off by march 6 and I still hurt could I be pregnant or is it the cyst I took a test 3 days after period and it was neg. but it could be to soon? I havent had sore breasts but I have been a little nauseous and sick to my stomach and sometimes I get dizzy when I stand. any advice

Answer #1

If the hcg came back negative then you mostly likely are not pregnant. I have cysts like that too and they do make you feel nauseous and crampy and all that “wonderful” stuff. Just look up ovarian cysts and find out info on it

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