is it me or my personality?

am I just ugly or is it my personality that I have never had a boy friend and im 14 by the way.

Answer #1

well you are only 14. I think you should consider the fact that guys your age that your probably hanging out with are not as mature as you are. they wont really be looking for a girl til they are 15 unless they are perverted little gremlins. stay away from those. but just keep clean, dress nice, be confident, and ull find a guy sooner or later. its not like instant potatoes, pour and stir = boyfriend. it will take time.

Answer #2

ummm ok…

Answer #3

oh dear, don’t worry about it, I am almost 20 and I just got a boyfriend, it will happen when it happens, I doubt the reason you are not with someone is because you are ugly or have a bad personality, you still have a lot of your lifetime left do deal with that!

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