Is it love?

Me and my boyfriend have been going out 9 months yesterday :) Yeah we fight, but there is the best relationship I have ever had behind that! He doesss everything for me, especially when I’m sick. & I do whateverr he asks me to do. I’m always smiling when talking to him, as is he. I cryy when I think about how much I love him and What I would do without him. I dream about him everynight. Everytime we kiss I get super bg butterflies. When we hugg I am weak and never want to let go. We call eachother just to say hi all the time. We text 24/7. He like practically lived with me for 5 months, and We have never got annoyed of eachother. & SO MUCHH MORE.

I think it’s love, do you? :)

Answer #1

Well yes and no. To an extent it could be love or intense passion. You probably won’t know for sure if you are truly in love until that phase passes or not. I mean there is going to come a time where that passion fades just a little and you will second guess yourself. When that times comes is whenever you realize whether or not you truly love someone.

Sounds like you do though =P

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