Is it just me or is this seriously weird?

Well I’m 16 and never had a boyfriend or gotten asked out. Never had my 1st kiss or anything like that I feel soo dumb about it because everyone has had at least one of those even people way younger than me have. I know it probably has to do with the way I look but is that all guys care about?

Answer #1

haah ;o I have never had a boyfriend, been kissed or anything like that too! ;O well, cause I said no to all those who asked me out. I didn’t like a single one of them xD

Answer #2

I think you look cute, I would really have to get to know if its beyond looks (can I get your address HAHAHAHA joke) Might be the way you carry yourself, you could be someone that makes guys get into “fun mode” meaning you might be viewed as a friend instead of a girl. On the flip side you could not act slutty enough for todays average highschool guy (not at all saying you should), or you could be to head strong for a guy.

I own a bar and get to meet a lot of ladies with problems like this, and I can help them because I see how they talk to me, and how they react in general. Send me a message if you want to talk more to a creepy guy online >_>

Answer #3

I was 18, so relax, you are doing fine

Answer #4

all guys dont think about girls just about looks like me and my friends we care about looks but I would rather have someone that really liked me and all instead of someone hawt that didnt really like me all that much and just saying this I think your really cute : ) so yea dont wry and your first kiss will be special and your first everything like that will be special dont mess it up trust me it sucks I messed mine up well not the kissing part but other stuff and im really regrating it because like I wish I did that with someone who really cared about me and not just one of the hawtest girls I know and I wish I could take it back so dont give up ull find that right guy and he will like you for who you are and nothing else wish I could find someone like that so yea ull be fine sry for making this soo long : )

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