Is it just me or are people very superficial?

Why are people so superficial? I don’t understand why so many people are more concerned about looks than whether or not your a good person.

Answer #1

I try to get people to realize that what they see on TV is just not realistic. Here’s an example :-)

But I’m not saying people shouldn’t try to look good! Just don’t get depressed when you don’t look like a celebrity, they have professionals who work on their faces :-P

Answer #2

The curse of the media.

People are always trying to live up to the standards of pictures in magazines and on videos…somewhere the human race has lost it’s way and the idea that being thin and wearing a lot of makeup is what makes people beautiful…we’ve lost the ability to see the natural beauty in each and every person.

Answer #3

That’s just the way our society has become. The focus to much on looks rather than important things.

I will admit though - I fall for it too. I always try and look my best and do worry about my appearance. I dont leave the house without makeup and always dress up.

Answer #4

I try to get people to realize that what they see on TV is just not realistic. Here’s an example :-)

But I’m not saying people shouldn’t try to look good! Just don’t get depressed when you don’t look like a celebrity, they have professionals who work on their faces :-P

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