Is it just me??

I am still in middle school but it feels like everyone around me is dating! At this point I am not sure if boys like me. I dont think I am that ugly but no one has ever called me pretty. I look at my good friend, who has like, 5 boys crushing on her! Shes not glamorous or anything, but shes not ugly! Me and her are exactly alike since we have been best friends FOREVER. Whats wrong with me? Please give me some GOOD BOY ADVICE!!! (anyone answer!)

Answer #1

Some people are very shallow and get turned off by only looks.Dont worry,Just do what you gotta do and just have fun.And when you have everything in order,somebody will admire your awesomeness and will take interest and whatever it takes to win you.If your friend has all the guys,let her.Just dont feel left out or low with self-esteem with love.Just have fun being young and make good choices and you will draw love to you.Just be yourself and love will be around the corner I promise you that,Sweetie.

Answer #2

Well I was the same way untill last year (tenth grade) I know how you feel about having friends who have boyfriends and you don’t… But make sure you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. Stop trying so hard and stressing, let the guys find you. It might not be this year or next but when that special guy that makes you feel amazing and beautiful comes along, it’ll be worth the wait. You might not find the “perfect” guy on the first try, and don’t let that discourage you. It’ll take time, tears and lots of shoulders to cry on. So be the shoulder for your friends now and wait for “him” to find you… hopefully your friends will return the favor. ~best of luck~

Answer #3

well there are guys who like you to but some may be to shy or scared to tell you are show it…that or you are oblivious to it…

Answer #4

hmm.hah when I was in middlee school it was like that too.its weird, people just always want a boyfriend/girlfriend.and I use to be the same. ALL my friends had boyfriend’s and I never made me jealous.but when I got into eighth grade I decided to switch things up.! I got a new hair cut started wearing make up.became more outgoing and talked to the guys I was interested and bam I got a boyfriend. [: hah but trust me DO NOT rush/stress over gettin one. I use to be exactly like that and once a got a boyfriend and everythin it was great but I fell in love way too fast and got my heart broken bc I was so young. its not that big of a deal. people start dating at all different times good luck [:

Answer #5

I was just like you, but wait, you may be jealous, I know I was when my firneds all had boyfriends and I didnt, but you know what? It paid off, one day I met a guy, fell madly inlove with him, and now he is my husband, met him when I was 19, and now Im 20. Sometimes all it takes is for you to be patient

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