Is it bad?

That I want to keep my boyfriend all to myself? Like ill get SUPER pissed if he talkes to another girl or leaves a pix comment I mean I seriously LOVE this dude to pieces im so scared of losing him Weve been together for 2 years && I think I would die if he left me for another chick Is this really bad?

Answer #1

I feel you though and actually my girlfriend is the same way and it doesn’t push me away it keeps me closer b/c I love that she has some say so and puts her foot down about certain things like she doesn’t want me talking to girls on myspace if its flirty like and all that stuff and she likes to know where I’m at and what I’m doing. But that just makes me love her even more b/c it shows me how much she cares about me and loves me if she didn’t act concerned I’d probably feel worried maybe she didn’t care about me.

so ya don’t be too too on him all the time especially if he seems sort of ill about it make sure he knows it’s just b/c how much you care about him throw that at him some and if he leaves you then he obviously wasnt worth you worrying about anyways after 2 years you know.

I’m sure he aint going no where if hes like me me and my girl have been going out for 5 months on the 29 but I still don’t see me leaving her b/c of the way she is I love it.

Answer #2

ok dont get mad at him if he does that just talk to him b/c I made that mistake with my boyfriend and I like wanted to kill myself when he said it was over. they think we get jelouse to easily but I don’t know if I were a guy I wouldnt care or get mad if my girlfriend didnt want me to do that stuff.

Answer #3

Shows you’re not self-assured and have confidence / trust in the relationship - could be potentially smothering and cause trouble - be confident and chill…I wish you the best !!

Answer #4

no its not bad but it could eventually drive your boyfriend away b/c he’ll think you are saying that you own him. if you really love him and trust him it shouldnt matter to you that he’s talking to other girls. try talking to him and telling him your problem with this. dont say that you dont want him to ever talk to other girls again just ask for his reasurrance.

Answer #5

Don’t be TOO possessive or he WILL leave you.

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