Is it a turn off to have long black hair?

My cousins&&my friends all say that I’m beautiful because of my long black hair. Well if I’m so beautiful then how come the guy that I know for sure loves girls with long hair,didn’t ask me out,but asked the other girls out with long hair&&their hair is shorter than mine?!

help please-


Answer #1

yeah I agree with everyone else. some guys dont even care about hair.. I mean if he does he might not like you for other reasons that you cant help

Answer #2

He probably likes them for another reason besides their hair.

Answer #3

LOL. You are suggesting, then, that the hair is the ONLY attribute he should be interested in? If you cut your hair to the length of the other girls, its possible he still won’t ask you out.

You need to be more than just ‘a girl with long black hair’ and you probably are much more than that. Show your best parts of you to everyone… it’s not just to do with physical appearance.

Answer #4

Nice hair is truly a turn on, but there is a lot more to a relationship than just hair.

Answer #5

maybe he doesnt like them for only their hair… I think three quarters down back shud b longest

Answer #6

maybe he doesnt like them for only their hair… I think three quarters down back shud b longest

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