Is he using me?

There’s this guy we have been on & off for 3 years & he says he still likes me but he has a girlfriend. His girlfriend doesn’t let him touch her & he cheated on her with me & says he likes me but hes still with her is he using me?? Helpp

Answer #1

Yes sounds like he is. can I ask.. Are you and him still/did.. having sex?

because if yes, than hes using you, and is only with you for sex.

He probably really does like his girlfriend, dont get your hopes up though, as much as it hurts, sounds like he isnt going to leave her for you.

Answer #2

Hmm, he’s probably using you. If he’s using you for sex only, hmm, that isn’t good! It sounds like he still likes his girlfriend and is afraid to leave her for you. I would stop making contact with him if I were in your shoes. He might not like that, its too bad! Guys like him like to munipulate. Just be careful.

Answer #3

dump him pls…don’t let that “he still likes you but…” get you mixed up he doensn’t want to be u. Im sorry if im being to honest but it’s better for you to see the real thing here. go find someone who doesn’t have a girlfriend and this guy is a jerk because his just thinking of himself he doesn’t seem to care about you and the girlfriend..

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