is he using her?

I really need help see my sister, shes with a guy right now, they’ve only been together for about 2 weeks and already he’s thinking about sex. He’s four years older than her and apparently can’t remeber all the girls he’s slept with… he tells her he may dump her if she doesnt agree to have sex with him, if they’re kissing and he tries to take it further and she says no he walks off and gets moody for about an hour, he begs her ‘please, please make me happy and have sex with me’ and I feel like he’s using her for sex, but im not sure, is he just being male? shes my sis, I just dont want her to get hurt…

Answer #1

thanks for the help everyone x

Answer #2

umm also talk to your sister bout it

hope I helped :D

Answer #3

get her out of that kind of relationship

Answer #4

umm well he should stop beeing a prik and yes hes just using her I fell like no guy should presure a grul to have sex with him trust me from personal experience hes using her

-hope I helped

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