Is he playing me?

So me and my ex boyfriend went out for 8 months, im still absolutly crazy in love with him and I don’t know what to do, hes not just any guy hes 1 in a million & I made a huge mistake 6 months into our relationship when I told my friend I wanted to hook up w. Another guy but in my heart I didnt mean it and never wanted to so when he found out he still tried but he never trusted me again.

He broke up with me 2 weeks ago saying its done not even seeing how I fell in love with him and now all he does is tries to go out and hook up with other girls. I know he still loves me & he even always calls me. He says we’re in a “relationship w.o the title” and we’ll most likely get back together over the summer when he is able to trust me again. Although he says this he goes and flirts with other girls while thats not what I want at all so I don’t do any of that…

I love him sooo much & I know he loves me but is it right that he goes out to hook up w. Other girls and im still here for him, because for me it’s impossible to not talk to him

Pleaseee help, any honest advice is good

Answer #1

You seriously need to wake you girl. If he truly still liked you, he wouldnt be putting you on the side, then come back to you when HES ready. (if in fact he ever does) and why would you take someone back that has been with random girls? He obviously knows that you will be waiting for him, so of course hes going to do what he wants. This is NOT a relationship. He sounds like a selfish, control freak, who needs to run the show. Hes a player, and someone not worth wasting time on. Someday you will see that! This is clearly not love. Love takes two mature people who are commited to one another, and who respect one another. This guy has NO respect for you.

Answer #2

I would talk to him about this if I were you, he should know that his flirting and trying to hook up with other girls bothers you. Communication is very important in any sort of a relationship.

If you guys are in a relationship though, regardless of whether or not there’s a title, he should still be completely monogamous. If he continues this behavior even after you talked to him, please be careful. He may not be as trustworthy as you feel.

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