Is he just waiting for me to sleep with him?

I met this guy about a month ago and we’ve been hanging out a lot during the week, but he always seems to disappear or have other plans on the weekend. If we do hang out on the weekend, it’s just hanging out and watching a movie rather than going out to a bar with our friends. He was really aggressive when I first met him, always wanting to have sex and being very affectionate when he saw me. Now, when we hang out, he barely even touches me and he never kisses me in public anymore. He’s only affectionate when we are alone together and he still pressures me to sleep with him. He has a reputation of sleeping with a lot of girls and I’m afraid that I won’t be as good as some of the girls he’s been with and I’m afraid of him not wanting to be with me. I feel like he’s just waiting because he sees me as a challenge.

Answer #1

There are all these red flags with this guy, but yet you are saying, “He has a reputation of sleeping with alot of girls, and im afraid that i wont be as good as some of the girls hes been with, and im afraid of him not wanting to be with me”. Hun, sx is NOT a game, that has to involve competiveness, and if it does, whats that telling you? It should be telling you that hes a PLAYER, and uses girls!! Right in the beginning he was showing you his true colors, but yet you are still thinking of sleeping with this clod? You are going to end up being a notch on his belt, just like all the rest! Guys respect girls who dont give it up so soon. Make him prove to you, its YOU he wants, not sx! (actually hes been telling you what he wants)! Stick to your guns, and dont give into him. You barely even know one another. Any guy who truly cares about you, would never push you into sx. Guys see sx as totally physical and don’t get their emotions involved. You should save an intimate physical connection for a guy who proves by his actions over a LONG time - not just a couple of months - that he truly loves you and respects your feelings and wants to be together with you for the long-term.

The only way you are going to know if hes looking for a long term commitment or just another sx toy is, he will be patient with you setting a slow pace for sxual involvement. A guy who will care for you after sx is also a guy who will wait a long time for sx without pressuring you. A guy who cares about you will treat you with respect, listen to your feelings, put you first in his life, be proud of including you in activities with his friends and family, and cheer you up when you are down. This guy only seems to care about his labido being fulfilled!

Answer #2

Dear joejoe01, You are not alone…this is typical behaviour from a person who really isn’t interested in a commitment. What he wants is really a friend with benefits. You are probably not the only one he sees he probably has a weekend friend with benefits. If you are looking for more of a commitment from him you are probably out of luck. People treat us the way we let them so you need to express your concerns and in this case you need to make some ultimatums…a committed relationship with only you or it has to end. You’ll see his true colours. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

Dump the dog. He just wants your scalp on his belt. He is a user and you are better than that. Get away from him and find a guy who will respect you and treat you like the priceless princess you are. Good luck Gino

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